Running Deeper – Week 14 of 16 San Francisco Marathon Weekly Training

Last week marked a fairly good week overall. I had the week completely off from the subbing work which allowed for more schedule flexibility. As I will discuss tomorrow, I still need to work on mental stamina but this was a pretty good week.

Monday: 75 minutes with hard effort intervals near end
I felt rather unmotivated that morning so I decided to sleep in and run a little later. I focused on mental stamina while I ran and felt fantastic through the entire run. Sleeping a little longer was definitely the right decision.

Tuesday: off
I have no idea why my coach has decided to make Tuesday an off day but I definitely enjoyed it.

Wednesday: Red, White and Blue Shoes 5k

Thursday: strength training
I pushed hard on each exercise focusing on making gains. I enjoyed the workout.

Friday: warm up, 8 x 800m intervals w/400m jogs, cool down
I felt pretty good with this run. The intervals felt tough but not until the fifth or sixth interval did I question my ability to finish but I finished strong!

Saturday: 200 minutes with 3 x 2 minute hard intervals near the end
I felt really strong for most of the outdoor portion, definitely killed the hills. (That’s our motto for hills. “Kill the hill.”) I felt fatigued at the end, especially on the portion that I finished at home on the treadmill. Later I understood why and, thankfully, this will not be a problem for the marathon. I did eventually get it done and felt successful at getting that much running done. The next time I run that long, I will have completed a marathon.



