Return to the Blog

It has been quite a while since I’ve written regularly here.

I blame my undiagnosed “neuro-spiciness”. (Disclaimer: I have never been professionally evaluated. However, I have long known that my brain does not function the same way that most “normal” or neuro-typical people’s brains do.)

I frequently find new obsessions, fixate on them for a length of time before moving on to the next one, constantly thinking about those previous fixations and contemplating going back to them. The two “hobbies” that I always return to – one never left – are reading and writing. Running has also been a consistency, especially since I started my run streak back in May of 2020.

For a couple years, I have made BookTube videos after discovering BookTube in general back in 2021. For the most part, I enjoyed the process of filming the videos, and thinking of ideas. When it came to sitting down and editing, I often procrastinated and found myself resenting the time that it took on my limited weekend free time, especially during the school year.

Then, in late September of this year, Hurricane Helene swept through the area and put quite a wrench in everyone’s plans. For a couple weeks, I could not edit or post any videos which led to decreased motivation to film any. When life finally went back to “normal,” that motivation stayed far away.

A couple weeks ago, I had an idea creep into my head, reminding me of this blog and of the potential of writing my reviews and the other video concepts that I made. The more I thought about it, the more that I wondered why I had not done this in the first place.

I have always felt more comfortable with the written word than the spoken word. The brain to finger connection for typing and writing works far better for me than the brain to mouth connection.

I also have no desire to have an incredibly popular YouTube channel or blog. I simply love the outlet for creative expression.

I thought about waiting until the new year to transition but days continued to pass and my desire to film and edit videos continued to decrease. Why wait? I decided to try out writing some reviews to see how the words would flow as I talked about the books. It worked so well. When I looked back at the written review, I found that it expressed my thoughts about the book much better than I could have done while trying to think about and speak those words aloud while filming.

That brings me to today.

I have written three posts, two of them recent reads wrap ups and one of them a race recap from the half marathon that I ran the day prior to writing and posting this entry. I still plan to have those up.

The schedule going forward will be as follows:
Once or twice a week, I will post something related to books whether that takes the form of a recent reads, a TBR or a monthly wrap up.
On Saturdays, I will post my back log of race recaps once a Saturday until I have caught up. While I will not have recaps for all of the races that I ran in 2023 and 2024, I will have plenty. Once I have caught up on the recaps, Saturdays will be reserved for race recaps the weeks following any races I may participate in.

We’ll see how long this fixation lasts.



