Monday, 65 minutes with “hill repeats”, 7.28 miles
The race organizers sent out an email today announcing that they would not hold the race in person, in Ottawa, and would instead transform the race to a virtual one with more details to come. Well, now I have to decide what that means for me since I have just barely started this training cycle. I have not decided yet. Today’s run, however, felt fantastic. My right calf has felt a little tight so I focused on form, making sure to activate the glutes as I ran. I should have had a few specific hill repeats at the end. However, I forgot to look up the specifics before heading out on my run so I simply looped around the neighborhood which contains some significant hills to finish off after Mom finished at 50 minutes so she could get ready for her virtual meeting.
Tuesday, 60 minutes, 6.84 miles
I loved this run. The temperature dropped a little thanks to the rain earlier in the day. I think the cooler temps contributed to how good I felt on this run, strong and solid throughout the entire run. Again, I am thankful for every run that I get to complete.
Wednesday, strength training
Since Ellis has a lot of other things going on right now, I reused the routine from last week and it felt just as challenging. I switched up the order just a little bit so it flowed a little better. Hopefully I will still get some DOMS, just not as much as last week. It took my abs quite a few days to get back to feeling a little bit normal.
Thursday, 60 minutes, 7.08 miles
I had a pretty good run today. My body must have adjusted already to the workout because I had absolutely no DOMS from yesterday’s strength training. I did, however, have concerns about my right leg. I wonder if the fact that I have sat a lot more than I normally do while teaching has contributed at all. I focused intensely on my form throughout the run, willing my glutes to activate. By the second half of the run, I felt great, especially on the uphills, ironically enough.
Friday, 60 minutes, 6.70 miles
We got started later today because Mom and I needed to go over to church in the afternoon for internet. It had gone out at home and did not come back on even after Grandpa restarted the router. Once we started, I felt great. My right calf felt a little tight which helped me remember to focus on form. Other than that, everything fell into place.
Saturday, off
When I woke up not in the mood to run, I decided to postpone my long run until Sunday. This worked well because now Mom could run with me and I could help her and Ellis as they moved the remainder of their things over to their new house. I had this flexibility thanks to the cancellation of the half marathon I originally registered to run.
Sunday, long run – “Altamont Half Marathon”, 13.59
Mom and I set out on our run this morning aiming for a half marathon length. I felt pretty good although my right calf still felt tight. (I’m working on incorporating foam rolling into my daily routine to help with that.) Overall I felt great. Mom felt a lot more tired than I did; she did a whole lot more moving yesterday. We ended up taking a few more walking breaks than I had planned but I didn’t mind. At the end with about a little less than 2 miles left I ended up heading on my own with Mom finishing only a little behind me.