January 2025 TBR

On this Christmas Day, what better gift to myself than all the books I plan to read next month. Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch but I had to follow through with a cheeky little note I put on my posting schedule when I saw that Christmas would fall on a posting day.

As this list progresses, I will make allusions to several different year long TBRs and challenges that I will explain in the posts to come. I wanted to get this TBR planned as soon as possible so I could go ahead and get my hands on the audiobooks, hence the slightly odd order.

I have 22 specific books on this TBR which I believe to be completely doable, especially since at least one is a novella. If I complete all of these books, which based on my recent track record, the past few months I definitely can, I will supplement with NetGalley eARCs. (I am so close to staying above that 80% mark which I reached briefly a few months ago, and with getting caught up so that I can read my ARCs before they release aka the whole purpose of an ARC.)

Rather than give detailed descriptions of the books and why I chose them, since those reasons will get explained in the subsequent goal/project posts, I am just going to name the category and book(s) I have chosen. (One disclaimer: for the book box books, I have chosen the oldest or what I think to be the oldest for each one that I have on my shelves.)

25 in 25

Buzzwordathon – Reading and Cover

Priority Series

Finishing Series

Fully Booked Reading Challenge

Fairyloot YA and Fairyloot Adult

Broken Binding and Caffeine and Legends

Illumicrate and Inkstone

Litjoy and Owlcrate Adult

r/fantasy bingo







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