GVART1000k Week 5 – Stepping Back

I did not intend to step back. I wondered if it might happen since Monday through Thursday I worked from 8-4 at school helping with supply drop off, end of the year stuff. That physical drain from staying outside all day in the heat combined with the emotional and mental drain from current events meant pulling back showed wisdom.

Monday, 73 50 minutes, 5.76 miles (1.14 miles walking)
I felt so drained at the end of the school day and wondered how that would affect me. I felt tired from the start, realizing afterwards that the two hours out in the sun yesterday evening likely drained me as well. I made the decision to cut the run short and finish with Mom. We also walked a few times. I wanted more miles but also knew that rest would help more.

Tuesday, 73 50 minutes, 5.64 miles (1.30 miles walking)
I thought that I might get the full amount of time and miles that I wanted since I made an effort to sit more while working, drink more water, and cool down immediately when I arrived home. As I ran, even though I felt better than Monday, the temps had risen in comparison and I knew that the shorter run would be the better choice. I made it through but that’s all I can say about the run.

Wednesday, 25 minutes, 3.12 miles
I got out early since originally I planned to do strength training after school but ended up back at school for our 8th grade clap out. I ran nice and slow, felt okay and loved getting out in the slightly cooler temps.

Thursday, 73 50 minutes, 5.68 miles, (1.21 miles walking)
I finished internship hours at school by noon so I had more hours of rest before the run than Monday and Tuesday. I felt ready to get in the full amount that I planned. The weather had other plans for me. As I verbally processed my observations to Mom on the first half of the run, I noticed the sky darkening and wondered how long it would take for the rain to come. It came about 2 miles later. First in sprinkles that grew increasingly steadier and then in a torrential downpour. Before the downpour came, we had two different people offer to give us rides home, the first time that has ever happened to me. Um…thanks?
I had so much fun that last mile. I didn’t feel the hill. I ran through the rain with my completely soaked shoes (and body of course) and just absolutely loved it. I think that last mile might have clocked in as my fastest for quite a while.

Friday, 73 minutes, 7.55 miles (1.61 miles walking)
I went out to Mom’s house for this run and we ran two loops of her subdivision. Well, we ran all the streets and cul-de-sacs so loops is a generous term. Afternoons in the summer will never make for pleasant temps but we made it. Her new subdivision has plenty of hills, textbook “rolling hills” which made the run challenging and a bit slower than planned. We walked some of the hills and I totally did not mind. As we finished the run we talked about the hills and I thought about how great a workout they gave us. I love the psychological boost that gave.

Saturday, “short run”, 3.50 miles (1.61 miles walking)
Mom and I decided to do our long run Sunday so after a special housewarming sort of family breakfast at their house, I headed home. Technically I read for a few hours after brunch so I started this run around 3pm. I knew I needed to take it easy on the run thanks to the ridiculous temperature so I did. Even though just three miles left me dripping, I enjoyed getting in the miles.

Sunday, Half Marathon, 13.46 miles ( miles walking)
The humidity meant that none of my sweat evaporated. Lovely image, I know. I could wring my shorts (and did) multiple times. I felt much better than last week even though our total time. Actually, I felt really good throughout the entire time, legs felt steady and strong. I look forward to the days of more amenable temps and hopefully faster times.

Side note: Last week sometime, I think, I signed up for another virtual race similar to the GVART. This one takes me virtually across the Camino de Santiago in Spain, a journey I want to someday take in real life. They also have Google Maps street view available so, I have added these pictures to this recap and plan to add to the ones coming.



