Monday, 51 minutes, 6.18 miles (1.04 miles walking)
Once again I read the Fast Women newsletter by Allison Wade and discovered that Laz had once again acted out of fear and asked a group to change their name from “Black Lives Matter” or receive a complete refund. Having just started this race and really enjoying the challenge this distance presents, I find myself once again wondering why I should continue to financially support this sort of fear.
The run itself went spectacularly well. The temperatures have come down and I felt fairly strong throughout the run. I will continue to run and I will continue to use my voice for advocacy.
Tuesday, 51 minutes, 5.73 miles (.75 miles walking)
I felt fantastic when I ran at the gym this morning. Even though I prefer to run outside, for these early mornings by myself in the dark, I will default to the treadmill. Throughout the whole run, I felt strong and steady, full of energy. I will take that for sure.
Wednesday, 100 squats, strength training, 25 minutes, 3.76 miles (.55 miles walking)
A sudden restart of the computer on Friday morning meant that I lost what I originally wrote. I will do my best to remember.
I started my 100 squats a day challenge and got in my strength training before school. I loved the slightly slower pace to the start of the and the challenge that the squats provided.
The tropical weather systems that keep forming have brought back rain and plenty of humidity which made for a run that felt like moving through a sauna. I got it done though.
Thursday, 51 minutes, 5.71 miles (.52 miles walking)
I ran at the gym again since I ran before school and felt really good throughout this entire run. Since I have run the same pace, I can compare my performance. I definitely have more energy and feel stronger. Since work has not let up and I have not really improved my diet the way I should, I attribute some of this to the fact that I have started taken iron again. This may be a placebo since it takes longer than a couple weeks for my body to produce new red blood cells but I will take the placebo effect for sure.
Friday, 51 minutes, 6.41 miles (2.01 miles walking)
I did not get out to get the run in until after my official work hours. (We work from home on Fridays.) The humidity brought in by the tropical weather patterns remains. On paper I should not have loved this run. Ridiculous work stress and uncertainty. Two days into a 100 squats per day challenge. Outside temps of 89+. I loved this run, every second. I could feel DOMS soreness in my legs but as I focused on my stride that soreness turned to strength, to confidence.
Saturday, long run, 14.01 miles (2.00 miles walking)
I tried to wait out the rain but managed to get a little wet throughout this run. I also tried out my UCAN products again, drinking the “Energy” one half an hour before I started the run and the “Hydrate” after the run instead of a soda. I felt really strong in a steady sort of way throughout the first hour or so of the workout, perhaps due to the UCAN. I drank Gatorade on the run; I prefer the thickness and flavor much better. After I turned around, just beyond the halfway point I started to feel not as strong although I do not know whether that came from fitness (or lack of) or mental fitness. From that point on I focused on the current mile and just that mile. I still maintained a fairly decent pace so I’m happy with that.
Sunday, mile for the streak, 1.45 miles, 11.75 miles stationary bike
I rode the stationary bike for the first time this entire year. Yeah…I have done a lot more running for sure this year. I got in the mile and felt fine throughout. The bike also felt great, especially with the Eco Challenge Race TV show thing I watched on Amazon Prime. I might have to make this a repeat thing for Sundays.