CRAW Week 1 – From RAT to CRAWdad

So yes, I signed up for another long term virtual stage race, this one as part of a team where we try to complete the Circumpolar Race Around the World (CRAW.) We shall see what happens with this one!

Monday, 50 minutes, 5.61 miles
I felt fantastic for the first mile and a quarter. At that point I stopped at an intersection and felt slightly nauseous, not something I generally feel, especially out on a run. I found it odd but not overpowering so I kept running focused on how I felt just in case. I had a lot of burps but nothing too serious and felt less nauseous while I ran so I kept going. At the end of my cool down walk I felt perfectly fine. So odd!

Tuesday, 50 minutes, 5.47 miles
I ran at the gym to help with motivation to get out early in the morning. The first couple miles felt more tiring than I expected but after the first walk break the runs after that felt super strong.

Wednesday, single mile, 2.00 miles (includes cool down)
I felt fine when I ran but I ran after school. A former student committed suicide yesterday a month before his 15th birthday. I needed more time and probably still do. Physically I felt fine and got the run done.

Thursday, 55 minutes, 6.30 miles
I took the morning slow and needed that extra time. Instead, I ran after school at the gym to survive the run which I might not have had I run outside in the 90+ degree heat. I felt spectacular physically throughout the run, even feeling a bounce in my stride. I have not been sleeping as much as I plan to aim for after Tuesday’s news. However, I did start taking iron again. I used to do that regularly but stopped because I didn’t think I needed it. I remembered recently that my iron always registered at the bottom of the acceptable range when I used to give blood. I have taken it for just four days but already I feel a difference.

Friday, 40 minutes, 4.80 miles
I went into this run planning on the normal length. However, I did not get to start the run until after 5:30 thanks to working on lesson planning pretty much non stop all day (in my district everyone works virtually on Fridays) and barely making a dent in the work. I don’t know why but this run felt hard from a heart rate point of view. My heart rate felt high for a lot of the run which makes exhaustion come quicker. Thus, I ended the run at 40 minutes since I knew I had my long run coming up in the morning.

Saturday, long run, 12.26 miles
My legs told me right away when we started running that they felt yesterday’s late evening run. (I really would like to figure out a way to keep those runs spaced about 24 hours apart. Still working on that.) I started to wonder how I would get through the whole run but as soon as I started thinking about that I pushed that thought aside and told myself to focus on just the mile in front of me. Somewhere around 7 miles I realized that I started to feel good during the mile; I had gotten my stride under me and that felt great. The weather cooperated too providing cloud cover and wind to keep the heat from affecting us as much.

Sunday, 25 minutes, 3.72 miles ( miles walking)
I walked out the door and smiled immediately. Cooler temperatures have arrived, at least for the next week. I felt pretty good throughout this run although my overall pace completely surprised me. Temperature definitely does affect the run.



