Monday, tempo intervals (10k and 5k) 6.50 miles, spin bike, 16.20 miles
I loved this speedwork on the track. It felt like I had to put in the work on these intervals, especially the 5k pace intervals. My legs still as of Wednesday felt the work I put in. I also had to contend with the baseball and soccer teams spread out over one point on the track but that brought the benefit of one of my students telling me the next day that I’m fast. (I don’t remember anything about the ride.)

Tuesday, 60ish minutes, 6.58 miles, spin bike, 13.60 miles
I ran this one on the treadmill and my legs reminded me loudly of Monday’s speedwork. I rode the high of the student compliment mentioned above so the run itself went well. The headache that started to develop just before the day ended really set in while I rode the bike so I ended up maintaining a much slower pace than I would have preferred.
Wednesday, 50ish minutes, 5.39 miles, spin bike 16.40 miles
Due to afterschool and then later tutoring with my former student, I had a limited amount of time to get the run in. I also did not feel like getting in the workout (7 miles with some hard effort intervals at the end) so I switched this run with Thursday’s. I also had had a draining day at work due to a petty issue blown out of proportion by a coworker so I got in the five miles at a rather slow pace and then hopped on the bike. Thankfully I did not have the headache of Tuesday so this ride went much better.

Thursday, 7 miles with 8 x 30 second hard effort intervals at end, 7.49 miles
I ran this at school on the track, unprepared for the 72 degree weather. I took walk breaks every 1.5 miles and then pushed on the hard effort intervals at the end. Through the earlier miles, I had to put a bit of teacher hat on since students riding a bus which frequently arrives late had been sent out to the track to walk until it arrived. It was “fun” to weave in between them.

Friday, 50 minutes, 5.63 miles, spin bike, 16.60 miles
The rain picked up just as I headed home so I hopped on the treadmill to knock out the easy miles before the ride. I felt solid through the run and through the bike. Everything felt average. It felt great to get in the miles and to feel good doing it.
Saturday, Greenville Half Marathon, 13.21 miles, spin bike, 17.2 miles
The recap will come out tomorrow so check that out.