Monday, 52 minutes, 5.86 miles (.65 miles walking)
I got a slightly earlier start, not enough to add more minutes to the cool down but enough to tack on an extra minute. I have stuck with the walk breaks at miles 2, 3, and 4 like I have this whole summer but I think I will start cutting out one or spreading them apart a little more because I feel great while I run, not in need of a walk at all. I did, however, make the math a little more difficult to myself when I accidentally whacked the emergency stop button with my water bottle as I pulled it out to take a drink. Whoops.
Tuesday, 52 minutes, 5.86 miles (.31 miles walking)
In the hectic whirlwind of this school year, I have run out of time on multiple days, Tuesday and Thursday of this week specifically. I remember feeling pretty good on this run and contemplating cutting out or cutting down the length of the walk breaks. Other than that, I have no specific memories of this run.
Wednesday, maintain the streak, 3.62 miles (.52 miles walking)
I felt exhausted that morning and slept rather than strength trained. The day itself at school held a lot of exhaustion brought on partially from my self by forgetting my breakfast Tuesday and my lunch Wednesday. I took a few minutes to regroup once I got home but then got out on the run. I felt absolutely amazing on this run, strong and wanting to go forever. It gave me so much motivation.
Thursday, 52 minutes, 5.93 miles
I felt strong once again and ended up cutting out two of my “regular” walks on the treadmill getting in a little more distance. I love how strong I’m feeling on these runs even with all the external stressors. Focus on sleep as well as making sure I eat well has paid off.
Friday, 52 minutes, 6.62 miles (3.01 miles walking)
If I judged the potential of this run on how the morning went, I would have had extremely low hopes for this run. I felt completely exhausted and then had to dredge up enough energy to rush to record lessons and schedule work (forgetting one of the assessments for social studies in the process) because I had forgotten to do so the night before thinking that Thursday night was Friday night. This run, however, I absolutely loved. I did not expect the pace that I received. I walked at miles 2, 3, and 4 but still ended up with a faster pace. I love getting out there and feeling good on the run.
Saturday, long run, 12.95 miles (1.75 miles walking)
The temperatures felt fantastic on the run today. Plus, we had plenty of wind to help our sweat do its job, cool us off. We felt great throughout the run and Mom did great too! She did not run over the week or so in Chicago helping Laura but she has such a solid fitness base that, of course, she rocked it.
Sunday, mile and stationary bike, 1.79 miles run, 12 miles cycling (1.57 miles walking)
I loved this mile. Instead of running on the treadmill before hopping on the bike, I ran outside instead and loved every second of it! I love that the speed came back too.
The bike did not feel as foreign this week and I even got a “sprint” on at the end to get in a little more mileage while internally rolling my eyes at the couple who moved one of the signs on the bikes (we’re supposed to use every other) so they could cycle next to each other but did not even look at each other while they rode.