Category: running
Running Deeper – Week 1 of 16, San Francisco Marathon
Next week I have a post planned on my decision to return to my old coach. For now, I will reflect on the first week of marathon training, the first week with coach generated plans. Monday 50 minutes regular This felt like a regular run, as it should. Since both Mom and I had the…
Running Deeper – Base Building Week 6 of 6
Those six weeks passed much more quickly than I imagined. Since I am writing this post on Monday, the first day of San Francisco training with my old coach, self-coaching works less than well for me. I will save further ruminations on that front for an upcoming post about returning to work with a coach…
Running Deeper – Base Building Week 5 of 6
A few things, once again, got in the way of a full work out as I had once imagined when I wrote out the base building training plan. For the things that happened, I would say that this was a good, solid week of training. Monday: 45 minutes with 4 x 30 seconds hard effort…
Running Deeper – Week 4 of 6
Various life events have shaped my training for the past week, as they have the tendency to do. Things are moving towards marathon training and I think I might finally be ready to really dive into training. With enough things on my plate, however, I will likely once again, if possible, recruit the help of…
Running Deeper – Base Building Week 3 of 6
This week illustrated the difficulty I have found in the proverbial work/life balance. This week also illuminated the tremendous drain that emotional taxing situations have on a body physically. I am thankful for the opportunity for reflection and growth. Monday 40 minutes regular After writing last week’s post, I woke on Sunday morning to a…
Running Deeper – Base Building Week 2 of 6
This week took an unexpected twist and ended up not being deeper in the sense of mileage but definitely deeper in the sense of reflection. Let’s start with the one day that went according to “plan.” Monday 50 minutes regular My calves felt tight, likely due to a strong performance at GHS the Saturday before.…
Run Hard Columbia Half Marathon 2018 Race Recap
Race #143 Half Marathon #47 South Carolina Half Marathon #34 2018 Race #4 2018 Half Marathon #3 Run Hard Columbia Half Marathon #1 At one point earlier this week, I wondered if I would make it to this race at all. I will talk more about it in my weekly recap but on Tuesday, I…
Running Deeper – Base Building Week 1 of 6
Once upon a time, on my old blog, I wrote weekly training recaps. I used these as things to record training and look back upon when I started a new training cycle to see what went well and what went wrong. Well, I said that I used the weekly recaps for that purpose. Eventually, these…
GHS Swamp Rabbit Race to Greenville – Race Recap
Race #142 Half Marathon #46 South Carolina Half Marathon #33 2018 Race #3 2018 Half Marathon #2 GHS Swamp Rabbit Race to Greenville #5 I had zero goals for this race. I know I have said that before but today I truly meant it. After Hilton Head, my quads were incredibly sore, much more than…
Hilton Head Island Half Marathon – Race Recap
Race #141 Half Marathon #45 South Carolina Half Marathon #32 2018 Race #2 2018 Half Marathon #1 Hilton Head Island Half Marathon #7 (8th consecutive time running) Today turned out to not be my day on the race course. In the end though, I am still proud of the effort i put out and learned…