Race #216
Half Marathon #78
2023 Race #11
2023 Half Marathon #5
Asheville Half #2
When I originally signed up for this race, I planned to just run it in my ongoing quest to run 100 half marathons. I neglected to add a note to my race on FinalSurge for my coach that reflected that so she gave me some race plans for it. Of course, I want to try to follow these and try to run faster, but I knew that this race with all the hills, and with the summer heat and humidity that we have had, would likely not be fast.
I planned to follow the race plan as closely as possible, but allow myself to deviate if I needed to.
On race morning, Mom and I drove up to Asheville and arrived with just enough time to get to the start. Unfortunately, they had no Porta potties available at the start, or at least none that we could see.
Mom and I ran together for the first 4 miles, a little longer actually. We did stop at the first water stop to make use of the Porta potty there, but there was a line so we kept going. We had success at the one at mile four.
Through these first few miles, I felt pretty good, and like I could handle the early pace. I knew that we had significant hills coming up, so I did not know how my pace would fare on those.
Sure enough, the actual hill of death that came in the 5th mile, slowed both of us down. Unlike last year, I knew that the false summit was actually false, and did not expect it to, and even though I wished for it to.
At this point, Mom and I ended up parting ways. I wish I had written this recap sooner so I could remember more of the details but, alas, I did not.
After this point, the race gets really difficult. I ended up shifting the screen on my watch to show heart rate and gave myself permission to walk through the water stops, and also when my heart rate got into the 180s on the hills.
My pace in the second half definitely slow down, but I did take comfort in the fact that I could easily get back to the prescribed pace on the down hills, and the minimal flats. I did not worry about aiming for that pace or anywhere close to it on the uphills.
Since my training has not really included specific hill training, I am pleased that I managed to shave off almost 2 minutes from my time last year, although I wish I could have made it under two hours.
Overall, I am pleased with my effort, but know that I have a long way to go.